Thursday, November 13, 2014

Glory of the Ordinary

I'm never clearer than when I'm walking my dogs, which is why, even though I dread facing the chill here in North Georgia, I make myself do it every day. I force myself to snap on leashes, shrug into my jacket, and slip on thick gloves. It was so much easier in South Florida, when the weather never changed, was consistently pleasant and warm and easy on the skin, the eyes, the heart. But there is something inside of me that soars every time we go. I know this, so I do what I need to do to get out there. Today was no exception.

Crunching through orange leaves, I draw in a deep breath of cool, fall air and stare up at God's art as we make our way to the park. I catch my breath, stunned over and over again (it never fails), at the sheer beauty surrounding me. I get to see this stuff for free, I marvel, as I take in crimson leaves, pointy tips edged in deep warm yellow. The trees are alive with color, so bright and so vivid, my heart hurts taking in all that glorious paint job by God. How is it even real, I wonder, even as I know that it is true. I am a child again, star-struck with wonder and awe at the shamelessly brilliant display.

Beau tugs eagerly on his leash, his youth evident as he bounds forth, so happy to be outside, so ready to investigate, to explore, to touch ground with his nose, to sniff out the trail of other dogs before him on this path. Sassy balks, wanting to go slow, take her time. I am pulled between the two of them. One arm is stretched out to accommodate Beau, one arm bent to keep from jerking Sassy along.

It will be time to pick Caroline up soon from school.

The thought brings me immense pleasure. I love her stories, the long ones that wind on and on, sentences without periods, the only break her exclamations and question marks. I bring the dogs back home, tightening up on the leashes to keep them by my side on the narrow bike path that skirts our busy road. I was late to get her yesterday, lost in the library, and I don't want to be late today.

 Here's what I know today.
Every moment is perfect.
Every second on this earth, it's a privilege.

We have the Miraculous in every minute.

1 comment:

  1. You know those novels you read where you want to find a way to jump into the delicious pages and be there, whereever they are at the moment? That is your writing all the time. If one could leap to the scene of/from which you write ... how lovely it would be.
